Student Spirituality

Sacramental Programs


The Sacraments of Initiation are a special time in a child’s life that we celebrate here at St Francis Xavier Primary School.

Baptism is often celebrated in our infancy; however, children and adults can be Baptised during their lives as the first step towards becoming a Catholic.

Confirmation is when a child or adult renews their Baptismal promise that confirms that they are willing to become a full member of the Catholic Church. During Confirmation, candidates are sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit by the Bishop of Lismore. 

Confirmation is for students in Years 3 and above who have not yet completed the Sacrament.

Reconciliation or Penance is where candidates learn about the process of being forgiven for their sins. This is a cleansing process that enables us to ask for forgiveness for our sins and move forward with a focus on becoming a better person. 

First Holy Communion is a special ceremony where the candidates receive the body and blood of Christ for the first time. It is the final Sacrament of Initiation and upon completion the candidate becomes a full member of the Catholic Church who is welcome to partake in the Eucharist each week at Mass. 

Reconciliation and Holy Communion is for students in Years 4 and above who have made their Sacrament of Confirmation. 

Confirmation, Reconciliation and Holy Communion preparations are conducted during the school day with a series of Family Sessions in the evenings and Reflection days for the candidates usually the day of the Sacrament. 

All are welcome at our Parish Masses, but only those who have made the Sacrament of First Holy Communion can receive the Eucharist. 

Students who have completed their Sacraments of Initiation are eligible to become Altar Servers in our Parish. Interested families should contact the Parish Office on 6681 1048 for further information.

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