Music Tuition


Xavier Catholic College invites students from St Francis Xavier Primary to participate in their College instrumental program. The guidelines for this program are outlined below.

  • Bringing expert instrumental tuition to students at Xavier Catholic College, St Francis Xavier, Holy Family and St Finbarr’s Catholic Primary Schools.
  • Some instruments are available for hire to students entering the program for $10.00 per term.
  • We provide highly qualified, experienced and specialised tutors with individual private lessons or group lessons.
    • Small-Group Lessons are $19.00 per 30 minutes lesson.
    • Individual Tuition (Private lessons) are $38.00 per 30 minutes lesson.
    • Instrument Hire/Maintenance Fee is $10.00 per term.
    • Ensemble Rehearsal and Performances Free.
    • Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Violin, Viola, Cello, Drum Kit and Percussion, Voice (singing) and Recorder lessons are available through the program.

Instrument Hire
Xavier Catholic College has an enviable collection of high-quality musical instruments, which we make available for the minimal fee of $10.00 per term (subject to availability). Parents are asked to sign a contract agreeing to take all reasonable care of the instrument while it is on loan. The instrument can be kept by the student for as long as they remain enrolled at Xavier Catholic College (or one of its feeder primary schools) and remain involved in Band activities. Regrettably, we cannot provide enough instruments for every student or for every student’s first choice. If we cannot provide your son/daughter with an instrument, there are several reputable companies that hire musical instruments for school students at reasonable rates, and our instrumental tutors would be happy to provide advice on purchasing an instrument.

Lesson Venues
St Francis Xavier Primary students will have lessons during class time at school. The instrumental tutors will be able to liaise with teaching staff to ensure minimal disruption to learning.

School-based ensembles are already rehearsing and waiting for you to join in! Music Lesson Application Form